Freebies: MSW Golden Eyeshadow


The MSW season has started with a mini photo-comp where you gotta take a picture of your MSW-ready suite. Well…you have to use at least one or two stuff from the new MSW Decor shop…and we both now how atrocious they are. I mean…at least my PC is dying and lagging.

But at least we do get a sparkly prize just for entering!

So just head there and enter with a random pic!


You will find the bag in your Beauty Parlor 🙂


Have fun!

Alex Signed Out


Freebies: Official Paella Day!


Stardoll has decided to make an event based on one of my favorite dishes, aka. paella!

It’s a dish of Spanish origins; a mix of rice and various seafood. Because I’m not chef expert, I will quote here the accurate information regarding this dish.

Paella[a] (Valencian pronunciation: [paˈeʎa]Spanish: [paˈeʎa]) is a Valencian rice dish that has ancient roots but its modern form originated in the mid-19th century in the area around Albufera lagoon on the east coast of Spain adjacent to the city of Valencia.[4] Many non-Spaniards view paella as Spain’s national dish, but most Spaniards consider it to be a regional Valencian dish (despite the fact that actually it is a commonly eaten dish across all Spain, so it can be considered as a Spanish national dish). Valencians, in turn, regard paella as one of their identifying symbols.

Types of paella include Valencian paella, vegetable paella (Spanish: paella de verduras), seafood paella (Spanish: paella de mariscos), and mixed paella (Spanish: paella mixta), among many others. Valencian paella is believed to be the original recipe[5] and consists of white rice (which must be round grain), green beans(bajoqueta and tavella), meat (chicken and rabbit), sometimes duck), garrofó (a variety of lima beans or butterbeans),[6][7] sometimes snails, and seasoning such as saffron and rosemary. Another very common but seasonal ingredient is artichokes. Seafood paella replaces meat with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables. Mixed paella is a free-style combination of meat from land animals, seafoodvegetables, and sometimes beans. Most paella chefs use bomba[8] rice due to it being less likely to overcook, but Valencians tend to use a slightly stickier (and thus more susceptible to overcooking) variety known as Senia. All types of paellas use olive oil.

I strongly recommend eating it. If you’re skittish about seafood…just close your eyes and pinch your nose because it tastes like fish in my opinion. Just more chewy. I used to be skittish about it too. And just like how the Wikipedia details say, you can just try it with meat instead of seafood.

I have tried this dish while visiting Spain a few years ago, on a beach-side restaurant, and this summer while visiting Italy.

Now all you have to do is to share your paella-experience for stardollars and a wishlist gift, but if you’re interested only in the freebie, just fill in the boxes with gibberish.


And this is the gift we’re all getting just from entering the competition.


It’s tastier than it looks 🙂

So did you like the freebie? I personally enjoyed it, it kind of actually got me hungry.

Alex Signed Out

Win a Wig + Stardollars!: Inviting Competition


In case you’re wondering…nope. This is no clickbait. Me and my fellow writers have opened a club on Stardoll to …well both advertise our blog and entertain the people. But we need members and new readers, so we have opened an inviting comp as well! The club link is right here!


In case you’re wondering…yes, there was an ad bellow the CLUB DETAILS box. A Motorola ad. Pfft. No free advertisements here xD I think I hid it well.

Okay so now you should also check the inviting competition topic. The rules will be explained well.


Now I suppose you can take a look at the prizes. The topic has yet to be pinned and the wigs to be added in the club presentations but here they are.

1st Place: Sorigugu wig + 50 SD Wishlist Gifts


2nd Place: Busra-tr wig


Now in case you’re not happy with the wig you have won, you CAN to ask the other winner if they want to swap with you BUT:

  • You gotta ask BEFORE we reserve the wigs;
  • If the said person doesn’t want to swap don’t pressure them;
  • In other words accept a no and be happy with your wig;
  • No death threats to me, the writers, the other winners and participants, I don’t want any broken windows at 3 AM.

I think that should be enough.

Oh! Almost forgot! The deadline is 20th of October, good luck!

Alex Signed Out

Freebie: POW Boots of Flaming


Well in case you haven’t gotten round to grab the answers for the newest Alphabet Soup game, here they are.

Callie has promised us a free thingie from the newest Other World collection, and that’s what she did: POW Boots of Flaming.

If you’re a collector of everything, like me, you won’t mind this. I personally hate yellow and mustard and everything in its association, but I wanted to grab all colors so it’s a good addition. However, if you’re really picky, you might dislike the color and have preferred something more versatile. Meh. Everyone to their own. XD

Okay, here are the answers, freshly tested by me:

I hope it helped you 🙂

Alex Signed Out

Freebies: Influencer Shirts

Howdy! Okay so I must be using Internet Explorer…Anyways. Lisa.Stardoll has announced us their newest phone app/game called Influencer. It’s a tap tap tap game to gain influence, unlock platforms and all that jazz.

It’s kinda catchy, it’s not bad, but I wished we had some in game stuff like with Glam Fever, Cut-It and Fashion inc. Fashion inc. was available only for iPhone and iPad, you should still be able to get it but it’s incompatible with iOS11. When I asked them what’s up with the game, they said that most likely the game has been discontinued. It had awesome freebies.

Anyways, this game is Android-only for a change, but I happen to have a spare Android phone from my little brother. :3 They can’t defeat me.

To get the shirts up there you don’t need to get the app. Just visit this link:

And done. You should be able to see the Starplaza bag in your suite. There’s both male and female versions for a change. Keep which one you like.

Alex Signed Out

Weekly SS Gift: Brown Leather Belt

Howdy! The new weekly ss gift has been released! It’s called the Brown Leather Belt, from Riviera!

The original price is 220 sc. I just checked and I’m disappointed, I already had it .-. And it’s in sc too.

How are you going to style his tho? I’m curious, send your pics in the comments ^^

Alex Signed Out

Freebies: Textile Pouch

Howdy! I know I may be a little late but as you know, Stardoll is giving away one free item with their Alphabet Soup game.

This week’s inspiration was Anna Sui’s store, so you could find all the answers there. I have been busy this whole week and I must say that this freebie is great. Why? It belongs to a SS-only store, so if you had it on your wishlist, you can consider yourself lucky.

In case you haven’t gotten round to check the answers, here you go 🙂

Hope it helped you ^-^

Alex Signed Out

Freebies: Japan T-Shirt

Howdy! I found this really cool freebie I’d like all of you to have. Basically check the featured picture. It looks nice, right? You literally don’t have to do much.

And that’s it! Do you like the shirt? I have worn it a lot when I first started out my current account. The freebie’s not so new.

Alex Signed Out

Freebie: Midsummer Flower Crown 2018

If you logged in today ..or maybe yesterday too, you might have found a wild Starplaza box in your suite. The first thing I woke up this morning I went to check my Stardoll account on Puffin, (because I always check my phone first when I woke up, I’m opening my eyes only after) and saw this message.


I kind of like flower crowns, the gift is exactly the crown the model’s wearing. Judging by how many wildflowers I have picked as a kid, I recognized most of them, but I know the names in English for the daisies and the clover flowers (?) – those pink, fuzzy looking ones.

While I love the flower crown, we had way more amazing gifts before..sadly they didn’t add a shop like before. I found this while looking for images.


I think it’s kinda obvious the pics are not mine. I can’t travel back in time to take screenshots.

I personally am not familiar with the Midsummer festival, or the Summer Solstice, but my Finnish friend has enlightened me.

The summer solstice (also known as midsummer) occurs when a planet’s rotational axis or geographical pole on either its Northern or its Southern Hemisphere is most greatly inclined toward the star that it orbits. On the summer solstice, Earth’s maximum axial tilt toward the Sun is 23.44°. (Likewise, the Sun’s declination from the celestial equator is 23.44°.) This happens twice each year (once in each hemisphere), when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the North or South Pole.

This was what my friend has sent me. It basically a day where you relax and hang out with your friends, basically enjoying the longest day in the summer. I’m curious, do you celebrate Midsummer? How do you do that if so? Tell us in the comments ^^

Alex Signed Out

FREE Space Otters Shirt

Who’s ready for a new freebie? Honestly I’m so dizzy I heard about this one from a friend but the dialogue was going like this:


HER: Yea….otters.

ME: Where do you have that from?

HER: It;s free.


HER: Go to any chatroom from USA, wait until the video is over and you have it in your suite.



And that’s how I got the shirt. But for you, earthlings, I will be more detailed. So go to chatrooms and select USA.


Something tells me the chatroom is free to make. Anyways, once there, you will see this video start to play. WATCH IT FULLY.


14 seconds. You won’t die watching it, lol, be patient. After that go check your suite. The cute part is that Stardoll heard our cries and every freebie introduced in the game is available for all countries. Or at least most freebies. I will let you debate that in the comment section, I’m curious about your opinion.

As you could see, Carnival has also arrived so expect a showcasing blog post of the freebies soon. Until then,


Alex Signed Out